Training Opportunities

Everyday Active Workshop
The Everyday Active Workshop is for anyone wanting to improve their knowledge and understanding of the benefits of physical activity, to feel confident to have conversations with others to help get more people, more active across Kent and Medway.
The workshop can be delivered online or in person. We offer open workshops throughout the year that anyone can attend. We can also deliver closed workshops for staff or volunteers at local organisations.
Find out more about the workshop and to register your interest

Make Every Contact Count
An interactive learning resource to support people to develop understanding and knowledge to make every contact count by asking others about their health and wellbeing. A MECC interaction takes a matter of minutes and is not intended to add to existing busy workloads, rather it is structured to fit into and complement existing engagement approaches. MECC is for everyone, it is not restricted to one person, profession or organisation.

Physical Activity Clinical Champions Training
Free online training course that aims to improve your knowledge, skills and confidence to deliver brief physical activity interventions as part of your clinical care. The training is produced by Public Health England and Sport England with National Lottery funding. It is delivered by Alessandra Morelli, Research Midwife, lecturer in midwifery and Clinical Champion for Physical Activity.
This interactive session includes a review of epidemiological and biological evidence, supplemented by small group discussion.

Live Longer Better Online Course
Sir Muir Gray has developed a Live Longer Better online course to demonstrate how anyone over the age of 60 should be making active changes to their lifestyle in order to live longer, better. He has pre-recorded 12 lessons, each 6 minutes long, which will give you the fundamentals of changing the way you look at ageing. There are notes attached to the course for further study.
Register Your Interest in Purchasing Licences for Online Course

Moving Medicine Online Course
Active Conversations is a practical, evidence-based online learning course developed by clinicians, for clinicians that teaches you how to have quick, effective and positive conversations that encourage patients to do more physical activity. Two courses available, a Foundations course and a Full 12 week course.
Each module contains practical concepts, demonstrations, strategies and scripts to help you practice your active conversation skills.Gain the skills and confidence to have brief conversations and guide patients towards improved health and a more active lifestyle.

British Medical Journal eLearning modules
This collection of elearning modules highlights the importance of physical activity in the treatment of long term conditions. You’ll learn how physical activity can produce health benefits with detailed evidence-based summaries on how it can prevent and improve specific conditions such as cancer, diabetes and mental health. After completing this collection you should:
- Know how physical activity compares with other modifiable behaviours, such as smoking and diet, as a risk factor for mortality
- Know the Chief Medical Officer guidelines for physical activity in the UK
- Understand the mechanisms behind how physical activity can both prevent and treat a range of major diseases
- Understand how physical activity is important in the prevention and treatment of long term health conditions.

All Our Health Bite-size eLearning
The All Our Health elearning sessions have been developed to provide a bite-sized introduction to the wide range of topics covered within the All Our Health framework. Within these sessions, you’ll find signposting to trusted sources of helpful evidence, guidance and support. You can dip in and out of the content as and when you need it.Currently, there are 29 All Our Health elearning sessions available covering a wide variety of public health topics.
All Our Health supports system wide priorities on prevention, including those within the NHS Long Term Plan, by providing support and practical guidance for all health and care professionals on how to embed prevention within their work, helping to reduce health inequalities, premature morbidity and mortality.

eLearning for Healthcare – Physical Activity & Health
This elearning course prepares GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to champion the benefits of physical activity with their patients and, in doing so, help prevent and/or manage a range of common physical and mental health conditions. The course will familiarise the learner with the UK Chief Medical Officers’ physical activity guidelines, the underpinning evidence base and how to incorporate it into their daily clinical care.
The programme comprises of three short introductory sessions and an assessment. Additional sessions explore people’s changing needs across the life course, as well as the use of physical activity in the clinical management of the following long-term conditions: cancer, cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, musculoskeletal health and mental health.

This Mum Moves eLearning Module
In collaboration with Public Health England and Health Education England, the This Mum Moves project has developed a free e-learning module as part of the Physical Activity and Health programme. The free module has been endorsed by The Active Pregnancy Foundation.
The module raises awareness of the current national physical activity guidelines for pregnant and postnatal women and takes around 30 – 60 minutes to work through. At the end, you’ll also be rewarded with a certificate of completion.

Aquatic Activity & Swimming for Health eLearn
A course for healthcare professionals, social prescribers and students about when to signpost, use and engage people in aquatic activity. It provides an overview of the benefits of water-based activity and how you can encourage and support people to take it up.
There is increasing evidence that swimming is a cost-effective activity that will help to save the NHS money. As a result, Swim England, with partners from its Swimming and Health Commission group have supported the development of this eLearn session to increase consideration of water-based activity with patients within healthcare and community settings.