FitFix Lifestyle course (13-17 year-olds)
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FitFix is Public Health’s healthy lifestyle programme for young people aged 13 to 17 years who are above a healthy weight. The programme helps to improve young peoples’ fitness as well as improving their knowledge of making healthier food and drink choices every day.
FitFix will help you and your children:
- make positive changes
- boost your self-esteem
- give you more energy.
It is especially for people who are above a healthy weight. For 10 weeks, friendly instructors will help to make better food choices and cook healthier versions of everyday meals from breakfast to fast food.
You will be offered five one-to-one personal training sessions and an hour of fun exercise sessions every week. There is also the offer of a free gym membership for up to a year after completing the programme.
Parents and carers are invited along for two sessions to help you stay motivated at home and learn more about making changes together as a family.
For more information and to book on a course, please follow the link below:
FITFIX Lifestyle COURSES for 13-17 year-olds