Children Inspired by Yoga (Holcombe Health Clinic, Rochester)
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Children’s Yoga Classes with Tatty Bumpkin!
Enhancing Wellbeing Through Yoga-Inspired Movement.
Our happy, sociable classes are filled with fun, music & movement!
Each week children are guided through creative & engaging routines that come to life through story telling as we follow Tatty Bumpkin on a different yoga adventure!
Children learn skills for life with yoga inspired movement that help them develop strength, balance and coordination skills, as well as breathing, mindfulness and relaxation designed to calm and support self-regulation.
Parent/Child Yoga Classes at Holcombe Health Clinic, Rochester
- Friday 10am – 11am Home-school Children’s Yoga session
(For Primary age home-schooled children to attend with a parent/carer)
- Saturday 10am – 11am Young Tatty Bumpkin (for ages 18 month – 3 years)
- Saturday 11.15am – 12.15pm Tatty Bumpkin Family Yoga
(For children age 4+ to attend with a parent/carer)
- Pay per week £9 per session.
Email to book.
Pay per term reduced to £8 per session. Book online at CHILDREN INSPIRED BY YOGA ( ROCHESTER)
Contact Details: 07494 490461