Active 10 Walking Routes – Tonbridge
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Tonbridge Big Bridge to Racecourse Sportsground
Total length: 1.5 miles
No. Active 10s: 2-3
Tonbridge is a town full of history and character, with its castle and river setting. This Active 10 walking route takes advantage of these beautiful features, and within just a few minutes, transports you to the wide-open green spaces of the Racecourse Sportsground.
This Active 10 walking route is 1.5 miles long in its entirety, consisting of two to three complete Active 10s if you walk the whole route. However, feel free to walk as little or as much of the route as you feel able to.
Starting at the Big Bridge in the town centre, take the river path on the castle side, past the castle, and around to the right, turning left to cross the footbridge and pass the swimming pool. Continue across another footbridge to emerge into the Racecourse Sportsground. Continue straight ahead and follow the path towards the children’s play area. Follow the path around to the right, and continue to follow the path alongside the river to complete one loop of the sportsground. Either turn left and cross the footbridge to pass the swimming pool and return to your original starting point, or continue straight on along New Wharf Road, turning left onto River Walk to complete your walk on the other side of Big Bridge.
Why not give this Active 10 walking route a try next time you’re in Tonbridge town centre? Whether its during your lunchbreak from work, or taking a break from a shopping trip, this Active 10 walking route is sure to help you move towards a healthier lifestyle.
Active 10 is part of the One You campaign, helping people move towards healthier lifestyles. In Kent, there is the One You Kent campaign. Visit for more information on the campaign. To download the Active 10 app for iOS or Android, search for “Active 10” in the App Store or Google Play or click on the link below: